Get your words written. Join a writing challenge.

Then develop & grow that writing. Get feedback & editing.

Editing Services

As Zeit & Geist Editing, I specialise in developmental and substantive editing. From the poetic line to the narrative arc, I'm attentive to theme, flow, and feeling.

  • Primarily, this service is to identify any broader weaknesses in the manuscript (in plot, character development, setting, dialogue, theme, genre, flow, and beyond) and suggest remedies for those weaknesses. The key focus for this service is to offer suggestions that will enhance the reader’s experience.

  • In this service, edits are made to the sentences, paragraphs and chapters in your manuscript directly. The key focus for this service is to make suggested revisions in-line to the text that allow your voice and vision to shine.

  • When offering feedback on poetry, I am tuning in to my experience as a reader in order to provide constructive comments on lines that soar and lines that falter. In many cases, I’ll then suggest specifically tailored processes for the poet to consider when approaching revision.

Writing Challenges


“Hannah exposed me to new ways to write poems and new ways to look at my poem-writing habits in this challenge. Her careful and fulsome feedback helped me to see those poems in new ways as well. A delight.”

Kelsey A.

“I need to say first that Hannah is a consummate, and tireless, organizer. Her comments on my writing are astute and detailed. She asks incisive questions; looks carefully at what is working and possesses an unerring ability to identify areas that need more attention. She can also respond with surprising and unexpected humour.”

Sheila L.

I am not looking to edit your story into a formula; I am looking to meet your story where it is at and work with your voice and your vision.