Get a Proposal for Your Manuscript

Describe your project & request a sample edit

After submitting the form on this page, I’ll reach out within approximately a week to discuss any details and to request an excerpt from your work in order to provide a sample edit.

Editor’s feedback is also included in many of Zeit & Geist Editing’s Writing Challenges

Sheila L.

“Hannah has championed the work of all of us in the LPC. I try again, I experiment more, I broaden the scope of my work, I form my pieces differently. I do better.

I find Hannah a thoughtful and compassionate editor, with a wide knowledge base, coupled to the intense curiosity of the writer.”


Matt K.

“After incorporating Hannah’s feedback, I placed 3rd in the first round and 4th in the second round of the microfiction contest I was competing in. While Hannah was careful to ensure that my story always remained my own, her suggestions undoubtedly gave me the insight to refine and tighten up what I had written.”